Monday, September 18, 2006

Yet Another Batch Of Canning

Here's a photo from my porch, facing the gardens and garden shed. The running gear you see in the yard is a rolling picnic table my husband made for me several years ago.

Needless to say, we have ample tomatoes and scalding, peeling, chopping, and slow cooking these beauties is not as satisfying as it was earlier this year. But, as with every year, I will be grateful throughout the winter that I took the time to make sauce so I don't have to make a trip into town to buy something to make a quick supper with.

The steel wheel behind the tomatoes is our porch steps handrail. Another cool addition to the Rusty Wheel Acres theme to our home.

Off I go....the boiling water is ready for the tomatoes. Posted by Picasa


beckyboop said...

Oh, what beautiful produce. Nothin better than home grown. I'm going to miss my home grown tomatoes. I'm on my last batch now.

I'm no canner. My husband is. About every two years, he gets a wild hair and make apple sause and cans it. Mmmm, it's sooo good.

Great layout of land, it looks very peaceful.


Kath in the Country said...

Thanks B-Boop, we really love our spot, can't imagine life anywhere else.

I got lazy this year and put up most of my sauce in the freezer. One of my first jars didn't seal, so I said skrew it, bagged em' and chucked them in the freeze. Hope they keep okay.

And nothin' tastes better than Wild Hair Homemade Applesauce, espcially if someone else does the canning part. Mmmmm

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Your photos are wonderful, Kath. Seriously! That's such a wonderful composition.

Makes me feel a little guilty, though. I guess I like the planting part, but not so crazy about the harvesting and canning. Maybe tomatoes grown in town just don't seem the same. My last country garden, everything was so much better! This year, it's kinda anti-climactic, considering we could walk five minutes to an Italian restaurant. The country seems to be the key for me enjoying all the effort.

Kath in the Country said...

I think it helps to have the extra room to plant more than you need in case hail, wind, bugs, or whatever else Mother Nature takes it's share of the produce.

Yeah, and tomato sauce (name brand, even) is only 33 cents a can in the grocery store. But they rape you on the price of green peppers. Froze up a few cups of them, too. Then they are only good for cooking...I love a crisp, fresh green pepper.

Personally, I enjoy taking care of my flower much more...Speaking of which, how did your new flower bed turn out, and did you ever get a swallowtail catapillar?