Saturday, September 23, 2006

My Bonnie

Here's a photo of my best barn friend this year, Bonnie. She and Clyde are my first ever experience at raising pork.

I try not to get too attached to the animals I know are being raised for food, however I did not know how personable a coupla piggies would be.
And if you keep their potty area cleaned out, they don't even smell very much.

Bonnie loves being fed animal crackers by the kids, having her skin scratched by the leaf rake, and her favorite foods are apples off our tree, and summer squash.

In this photo, she had just gotten herself a big drink(hence, the goober-slobber under her chin), and seemed to smile for the camera.

My theory on raising livestock was to provide the best environment possible to have the healthiest meat for my family. Raised with love = sweet meat.

However, I think it would be in my best interest to not be home the day Bonnie, and her brother Clyde, are loaded up in the trailer to go to the meat market. This time I've gotten way to attached... Posted by Picasa


beckyboop said...

It's my husband's dream to have a place like yours. He wants to quit his job, grow our own food, and raise our own meat. However, the rule would be that I couldn't go anywhere near the animals because I would make them all my pets...And, oh yes I would.

I could see me now..."Oh, Bonnie Wannie, poo and Clydey Widey woo. You want me to scritch ya behind the ears?"

Alas, I'm very carnivorous. I would have to be away when they're loaded up too.


fineartist said...

I'm carniverous.

I still couldn't kill Bonnie, aint no way,

Bonnie smiles

Bonnie has snot, water goobers hangin from her chin

I think I love Bonnie.

No way I could EAT Bonnie,

Maybe I could eat Clyde.

xx, Lori