Saturday, May 13, 2006

What Do You Want?

Hubby and GirlKid are running errands today. Before they leave, Hubby asks "What do you want for Mother's Day?" Hmmmm....Hm....I didn't know how to answer.

First of all, I had to overcome my urge to eat the "Burnt Toast", as a certain Desperate Housewife puts it. Where is the greedy part of myself who can whip out the "I WANT" list on demand? I couldn't find it anywere! The words "Something useful" darn near slipped from my lips. Six years as a mother, and fifteen years as a wife has consumed a large portion of my personality! Yikes! I don't know what I want anymore!

Secondly, I had to overcome my urge to say "It's Mother's Day, I want YOU to LOOK around, struggle over choices, and find that one thing that jumps out and says "Pick Me, She'll LOVE it!", just as I have to do for every Birthday, Christmas, Wedding, etc. No one ever tells me exactly what to pick out for their gifts, therefore, I want Hubby and GirlKid to experience the same agony I go through every time I enter any kind of store. Clothing store: does it fit?, will they like it? is it on sale?, can we afford it? Grocery store: is it the best deal?, does it fit into my haphazard meal plan?, will they eat it?, is it healthy? You know what I mean, I don't really need to go on any further. Yes, I want them to suffer the same pain. Horrible, isn't it?

I ended up saying "Something pretty, or maybe something nice for my garden." Pretty vague, however. I wonder what it will be. This is the best gift...knowing that they are out there in the multitude of choices, agonizing over this or that, having differences of opinions, and together coming to a compromise....over me! Now, why didn't I say chocolate? Why? Momma LOVES chocolate!


Rain said...

chocolate is great, but I hope I get it in really small box :)

Kath in the Country said...

Thanks Rain, you are my very first person to leave a comment! And yeah, those small boxes ARE special, however, I find it better to choose the contents myself, otherwise, I'll end up with gold plated tractor earrings! Funny, I know, but I'm dead serious!